Wine & Food Society

The Wine & Food Society’s Selection

Dear Producers, be part of the Family of Wine & Food Society. In this way your wines and products will have the ability to reach every place in the world.

The Advantage

Unlimited Market

Zero financial risk

Zero marketing investment – branding, design, label…

A Sale of your production through the best of your capabilities, not dependent on the quantity

You are in the company of the best family of foods and wines.

The Standards


No Artificial Preservatives!

Bio and Organic certificates are recommended!

The products, presented in Wine & Food Society, not to be sold in the trade network.

Permits for production and export in accordance with the local legislation.

To declare what quantity there is for the relevant product for a certain period of time, no matter how small it is.

Wine & Food Society does not offer products with trademarks, except that of the producer.

It is obligatory to present a label with the content and the expiry date in English.

For the Wine producers is recommended to be mentioned the winemaker.

The sale of goods from and to countries under international embargo is not permitted.

Be one of us!

Register yourself in the field for producers.

To get to know each other!


Welcome to the world of Wine & Food Society!